Please enter the following general information. Note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Prefix First Name* Middle Last Name* Suffix
Preferred Email Address*
California State Bar Number: (Please include leading zeros)
Date First Admitted to California State Bar:** /   (mm/yyyy)
** - Required for some membership categories


Regular Attorney Member: Attorneys who have been practicing for less than 2 years $75.00
Regular Attorney Member: Attorneys who have been practicing for 3-4 years $95.00
Regular Attorney Member: Attorneys who have been practicing for 5+ years $175.00
Non-Attorney Members: Individuals who are not licensed Attorneys $130.00
Student Members: Attending a law school accredited by the American Bar Association. $50.00
Retired Members: Members retired from practice who are eligible to receive Social Security, disability, and/or retirement benefits AND have removed from the telephone directory any identification of themselves as attorneys. $75.00